Yeah if you never seen Adam skate it's balls to the wall and when your 13 feet up the wall sometimes you come down hard Hope it's a quick recovery Adam see ya soon
Even the really really good looking people have have bad days cause G-puck is the proud owner of the ticket below and I would take a photo of his board but he left it at the last skate spot
If you haven't seen the new Subsect site your in for a treat cause it's sick and also done by DSM's very own Lisa Cumings, so next time you see her give her some props cause that's some mad skills and she already done so much for the scene. Mad props Lisa!!!!!
Who knows what's going thrue Big Pathers mind when he's whipping shittys in skate souths parking lot but that was not as near as scary as when he's going backwards and stairing forward at us and stops as everyone yells and stairs at us like we are the crazy ones bub when he got out he noticed Gabes bike wheel on his bumper so call it what you wanna call it but God was looking down on gabes Harley that night cause he about lost his bike but panther stopped at the last second and not a second to soon
Dang Big Panther and his father are preparing for the wheelbarrel race at father son day at Big Panthers school,Ruby Van Meters finest took 2nd place to Drew and his father.......
Yep if you wonder where Michael gets his gangsta stezzz well now you know, he's the super sperm of the one and only Gabe Bauman
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, January 18, 2010
Some sick art around the walls and Lisa mean muggin me and Hergert blew on his pizza and ripped Creamcity and the D-bag ah new cornhole but Brandon dropped some bombs also good times Lisa and Brandon warming there fingers after sesh at Creamcity and yes this place is sick!!
If you ever on the dirtysouthside stop by and see Big Baby Douguls for some porkchops and taters followed by an harsh feilds of sticky nades and warthog racing so swing by for a Doug hug