Friday, August 20, 2010

Adam was beastin until he broke

Yeah if you never seen Adam skate it's balls to the wall and when your 13 feet up the wall sometimes you come down hard Hope it's a quick recovery Adam see ya soon

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Stay Gold is only a few days away

Look at this happy bunch hanging around for the video and look drew and his sweetheart are way stoked

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lost and found thank god

Look what was just chillen on the curb

That makes one happy G-Puck

Day 2.1

Even the really really good looking people have have bad days cause G-puck is the proud owner of the ticket below and I would take a photo of his board but he left it at the last skate spot


Where's my board dude

Day 2

Skated the 4 block and it was hot but tricks went down but you'll have to wait to see em

-- yeah Corys twin brother sitting by the river waiting for his bro

Big Mike grbbing some breakfast before he shreds