That's right you Lil booger eaters Jamie Thomas was blasting 360 flips on a longboard wow, you don't see that very often maybe we should all start skating longboards
Something you didn't know about grant is that he has been on a crazy training schedule to prepare him for the grand opening of his new job and do you think they stuck grant out here on accident no it's cause he's so freaking good looking and a great photo for his modeling portfollio and that's why it so hard being that gooood looking just ask his father Hancel "twinkle twat" Wiess
Yes the grand opening of the eastside park was wed the same day as skatesouth mmmm do you think this was planned by a skater? Or maybe the opening demo by the bikers at the "SKATEBOARD PARK" opening was part of the skaters plan? Ah no ever since I can remember these people who are supposed to help us get our park that we as skaters want but the problem is these people, parents, friends and family of skaters don't skate, never have skated and will never understand skateboarding so why they keep putting there twist on these so called parks is just mind boggling to me and these so called skateparks we are getting are a joke.go to davenport ia if you wanna see a real skatepark or any park in any other state, these parks the size of a tennis court (by the way tennis courts only hold 4 people at a time)are just a slap in the face if you expect all the skaters to support what there working for then give them what they want not what you( anyone who doesn't skateboard) think they want! I could write for days about this but I would just be blowing hot air out my hole so I'll end it with this Let skaters be skaters cause you will never understand unless you are one and anyone else trying to help we do thank you but help not take over cause you suck at it